The Effects That High School Sports Have on a now, College Student

Jenna Grant
Oct 29, 2020
Sofi Nyannga smiling for a photo

Growing a student Athlete, Sofi Nyannga was known for her skills on the court. During her Sophmore year in high school, Nyannga was left in disappointed when she fell and injured her knew during her last basketball game. Now, a freshmen at Montclair State University, Nyannga continues to deal with the consequences. Having to now walk with a limp, she is left only that one injury to blame. With a new approach at life, she appriciates what she can do, and accepts what she can no longer do.

During my interview with sofi, I learned that during the time of her accident, her mother was her biggest support. From doctors appointment to PT, she explains her mother always instilled a postve mindset in her head. Having to adjust to walking a certain way, Nyaanga deals with some set backs and struggles she is left to deal with. She reminds herself daily of how lucky she is to be health aside from her knee injury. Nyannga continues to enjoy basketball with her friends and does not plan to stop any time soon.



Jenna Grant

Multimedia student at Montclair State University, Journalism major.